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Widget Icon Properties


The widget icon properties are used to set the icon related functions. visibility of widget icons can be configred from here.

Widget Icon Properties: This video contains information about How to format widget icon properties in OPNBI.

Follow below steps to know about Widget Border Properties:

Steps to follow

  1. Click on widget setting icon from edit mode and you will see property as Widget Icon Properties as below screenshot;

Docusaurus Slash Introduction


By Default, All preview icons are disabled. Means you can see by default Hide Icon in Preview option is checked. in order to see widget icons in dashboard preview mode, user has to uncheck Hide Icon in Preview checkbox from widget settings.

  1. By clicking on the Hide icon in preview, you can hide all the icons on preview side of the widget.
  1. The Hide Download icon is checked by default, it used to hide the download icon on widget, if user want to show the download icon on widget then the user needs to uncheck it.

In order to show download icon, user has to uncheck Hide Icon in Preview first

  1. The Show analysis icon used to make analysis icon visible on widget’s preview side. to use it the user should click and make checkbox true.

In order to show analysis icon, user has to uncheck Hide Icon in Preview first

  1. The Hide Maximize icon is used to hide the icon which use to maximize the widget in Fullscreen of dashboard.

In order to Hide Maximize icon and other to show, user has to uncheck Hide Icon in Preview first

  1. The Widget icon colour used to change the colour of the widget’s icon colour as shown in below pictures:

Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  • Weight icons displayed as: Docusaurus Slash Introduction
  1. Menu icon colour used to set the menu icon’s colour, as shown in below pictures:

Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  • Widget view:

Docusaurus Slash Introduction